Programs of Mechanisms

Certificate of copyright №3511. A computer program for synthesis of the wedging mechanisms of the die-cutting machines.

Certificate of copyright №3512. A computer program for synthesis and analysis of the mechanism of the die-cutting.

Certificate of copyright №2987. Computer program for the synthesis of the mechanism of the die-cutting machine.

Certificate of copyright №2959. A computer program for calculating and visualizing the mechanism of semi-product movement.

Certificate of copyright, №2930. A computer program for construction and visualization of the mechanism of the die-cutting machine.

Certificate of copyright №59291. A computer program for construction and kinematic analysis of the mechanisms of the second class.

The purpose of the programs is to investigate the mechanisms. Programs were created to improve the mechanisms of packing and printing machines. They calculate the kinematic and dynamic parameters of investigating mechanisms, and the programs get the data for further analysis in more powerful  CADs.


To investigate the mechanisms, there are opportunities to export data to files *.docx, *.xlsx, *.dwg, *.lsp and automatically generate AutoLISP code of 3D model for AutoCAD. Calculating mechanisms for engineers, scientists, and students of engineering specialties is useful.


Software is easy to use and does not require significant hardware resources. Due to the relatively high visualization of mechanisms, it can be used in teaching and presentations.


  • creation mechanism of arbitrary structure;
  • viewing kinematic characteristics in graphs and tables for all positions;
  • the ability to save graphs as bitmap and output them to printing;
  • exporting data to Word and Excel;
  • viewing mechanism motion animation;
  • editing parameters of already created mechanisms;
  • saving kinematic scheme of mechanism in the format *.JPEG, *.BMP, *.PNG, *.TIFF, *.WMF;
  • export scheme to AutoCAD and save the document in the format *.DWG;
  • creating AutoLISP code *.LSP;
  • saving 3D-models to *.DWG and *.DXF;
  • viewing additional information about kinematic analysis.